Antonia Sanin - The Author
Antonia is a children's book author and publisher. She is the founder of El Globo de Antonia, an educational project that teaches geography and culture to children through her 26-book Detective Equis series. 14 of those books have already been published in Spanish. Antonia is from Medellín, Colombia, but has lived her adult life in Bogotá. Her and her family lived in Tokyo, Japan from 2011-2022, but are now back in Bogotá.
It all started in 2007...
Antonia founded El Globo de Antonia in 2007. That same year, she became a finalist to the Cartier Women's Initiative Awards and was invited to France with the other 14 finalists to present her project to the jury, and was chosen as the laureate for Latin America. Antonia and her team delivered geography and culture workshops for children until 2011 when she moved to Tokyo. From Tokyo, Antonia has focused on publishing her books. In 2020, she launched her first online adventure/course about Paris. Find more details under our Workshops section!

Main Character
Detective Equis is a fun and adventurous squirrel that travels the world solving mysteries. He never leaves home without his hat and backpack. He's lucky to have hot-air-balloon Globe as his friend and work companion... Globe can take his anywhere in the world, effortlessly!

Globe - Faithful companion
Globe is Detective Equis' faithful friend and colleague. He's a little bit lazy and has to be convinced to travel, but Equis knows exactly how to do this. Globe needs Equis to sing him a song before lifting off.

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Videos and Press releases
Interviewed conducted by "Ratón de Biblioteca" (2020)
Spanish only. Starts on minute 1:14.
Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards video (2011)
In 2011, the Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards team sent a representative to several countries around the world to make a video about the projects of some of previous year’s Award laureates. This is the video about El Globo de Antonia’s (The Globe’s) workshops and books. Please note that there are a couple of inconsistencies in the translation from Spanish to English of some of the provided texts or subtitles, such as having the word “funny” instead of “fun,” the word “servants” instead of “domestic help,” and the word “storyteller” instead of “accountant”.
The Globe's workshops on TV (2010)
Spanish only. RCN's "Muy Buenos Días" program (Colombia).